Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Dear BNP

A couple weeks back now I sent an email to the BNP for their ‘Your Say’ page, suggesting it was time for a name change. Unfortunately it didn’t make to cut, maybe it didn’t go down well or maybe they just thought I was talking total crap, it’s possible. I prefer to think it’s because they receive so much mail these days not every email can get posted.

Anyway if it had been posted, I was hoping for some comments from others to gauge opinions.

So here’s the email:

Subject: Hi, for the you say page.

Is it time for a name change?

I have watched with quiet respect as over the last few years as Nick and his team have modernised the party, but remained true to the core nationalist goals. Internally the party is greatly different to that which split from the extreme National Front of the 1980’s and has since the late 1990’s become a viable option for the electorate to consider. Externally the image of the party to most people remains negative, largely due to the efforts of the establishment, media and leftist groups.

For sometime now I have been thinking that it might now be the right time for the party to consider changing its name. BUT WHY? Bear with me and I’ll explain. For many the BNP has a negative image and they will never look at the parties true message because they are told it is bad. If they were to look at the party policies, I doubt there is much they would disagree with. The BNP needs everyone to at least consider its policies, so a name change would provide a short-term chance to reach new voters, before the new name is demonised.

Secondly it is my belief that most N. Irish, Scots and Welsh have never really seen themselves as British, possibly in part but never as the core of their identity, instead getting this from their national cultural traditions. I suggest that only the English seem to have succumbed to the label British with the English identity under attack from every quarter. In today’s Britain many English themselves have given up calling themselves British which is increasingly a purely legal term, as our beloved governments tell us that every Johnny come lately is equally British.

I would recommend changing the party name to the United Kingdom National Party (UKNP), thereby stating in the name the wish to be the nationalist party for all the UK indigenous peoples, another thought would be to adopt a party colour for identity.

Anyway just my view, what do others think?


The Green Arrow said...

You made a good point about the name change. I personally believe that we have got this far with BNP so now would be the wrong time to change it.

Not everyone stays on top of politics and some voters (and everyone counts) might get confused.

Maybe down the road. Who knows.

Good Luck with your blog. Looks like a good start.

The Green Fox said...

Thanks GA, your probably right name recognition is important.